Allagash Hugh Malone 2015
Belgian Strong Ale · 8.5% ABV · ~270 calories
Allagash Brewing Company · Portland, ME
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Beer Description
The base of the beer includes English two-row malt and pale crystal malts, establishing an understated sweetness.
To give Hugh Malone its hop character we use generous portions of Simcoe hops at three points in the brewing process. To begin with, we use a technique referred to as first wort hopping, in which Simcoe is added to the sweet wort as it enters the kettle. When the wort comes to a boil in the kettle we add Warrior hops, adding another layer to the bitterness of the beer. Later in the brewing process we steep a large amount of Simcoe in the whirlpool to impart a distinct hop aroma.

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