Flying Fish Exit 4
Tripel · 9.5% ABV · ~280 calories
Flying Fish Brewing Company · Somerdale, NJ
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Beer Description
You are holding the inaugural release in a multi-year brewing experiment-to brew a series of beers as diverse as the great state of New Jersey. Our theme is the state-long artery that connects us. Each beer will focus on the unique aspect of an individual exit, whether an ingredient or event. The journey begins at Exit 4- right up the street from the Flying Fish brewery. As one of the first craft brewers to embrace Belgian-style beers, we’ve chosen to start with a Belgian trippel, finished with plenty of American hops. Note the hazy golden hue and the aroma of citrus with hints of banana and clove. Then taste the Belgian malt flavors and a subdued bitterness in the finish.

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