Sole Artisan Artistry & Alchemy
Imperial Stout · 9.1% ABV · ~320 calories
Sole Artisan Ales · Easton, PA
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Beer Description
Artistry & Alchemy is a luscious Imperial Stout brewed with copious amounts of dark Vermont maple syrup, oatmeal, and a plethora of roasted malts. Velvety, warm
Velvety, warming, and luscious. Complexity will develop with age.
The maple syrup used in this beer was carefully selected after numerous trials and testing with different Maple Syrups from family farms in Vermont, a region known for it’s exceptional Maple production. We spared no expense when we added 1 gallon per barrel late in Artistry & alchemy’s fermentation process to create a rich, warming, and complex drinking experience.

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