Lakefront New Grist
Gluten Free Beer · 5.1% ABV · ~160 calories
Lakefront Brewery · Milwaukee, WI
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Beer Description
An all-sorghum beer. New Grist, a beer for Celiacs brewed from sorghum and gluten-free yeast grown on molasses.
New Gristâ„¢ is a one-of-a-kind beer brewed without wheat or barley: one of the first of its kind that those on a gluten-free
diet can enjoy. It is the first gluten-free beer granted label approval by the U.S. Government. Each batch gets tested for gluten
content before bottling and shipping. Sorghum, rice, hops, water and gluten-free yeast combine to form a crisp, refreshing
session beer brewed for those with celiac disease, or anyone with an appreciation for great-tasting, handmade beer.

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