Wormtown Diner Car
Double IPA · 7.7% ABV · ~290 calories
Wormtown Brewing Company · Worcester, MA
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Beer Description
Burnt orange and hazy with an aroma of Dank Candied Tropical Fruit. Smooth, full body and mild bitterness. The flavor is a juicy burst of tropical fruit with a dank finish. An overly hopped double IPA utilizing Motueka and Idaho 7. An easy drinking double IPA perfect to fill in a growler and take to any of the byob diners Worcester is known for. Diners were invented in the context of industrialization. The Worcester Lunch Car Company paved the way for the trend by producing hundreds of diner cars in the early 1900s, many of which still operate as restaurants today. So get your fill of Diner Car Double and ask your bartender to point you in the direction of one of the many great diners our city has to offer!

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