Carton Monkey Chased The Weasel
Berliner Weisse · 3.9% ABV · ~100 calories
Carton Brewing Company · Atlantic Highlands, NJ
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Beer Description
The backyard of our brewery has a mulberry tree that drops its fruit in the first days of summer. We moved into our building during early summer 2011, tracking a bright purple path through our new home with every laden step. It was then we decided: if mulberry was going to get that deep into the brewery, it probably should get into a beer as well. Stealing a process from Berliners, we let the lactics in a wheated mash sour up to a green apple/lemon level, accentuating the bright side of the mulberry profile. The barley of the malt bill is light continental two row, its kernel’s nuttiness playing to the softer, fruity component of the berries’ flavor, keeping the beer from flying too close to bright. Meant for quaffingg when there is no reason to avoid direct sunlight on balmy Summer days, drink Monkey Chased The Weasel because there is more sun than moon at the top of Summer.

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