Prism Summer of '69
Pilsner · 5.1% ABV · ~160 calories
Prism Brewing Company · North Wales, PA
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Beer Description
This hybrid Pilsner/Ale was brewed with a Pilsner malt, an experimental hop known only as HBC-342 and their house ale yeast. Then, they went nuts and peeled and juiced 140 pineapples and threw them in to give it an extra pow… yes we just said pow!
This PilzAle won’t be bound by the shackles of any style guidelines, instead Prism just created one. This hybrid Pilsner/Ale was brewed with a Pilsner malt, an experimental hop known only as HBC-342 and their house ale yeast. Then, they went nuts and peeled and juiced 140 pineapples and threw them in to give it an extra pow… yes we just said pow!

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