Mad Fox Oaked Batch 100
10.0% ABV
Mad Fox Brewing Company · Falls Church, VA
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Beer Description
This epic beer is a numerologist’s dream – 100 specific gravity points, 100 IBUs, 100% Centennial hops and 10.0% ABV. Imagine the prodigal son of Black IPA and Russian Imperial Stout, aged in Evan Williams Single Barrel Vintage 1999 Bourbon barrels. Our brewers combine the big hop flavor and aroma and sharp roast malt of a Black IPA with the smooth plum pudding malt and spirit warming of a Russian Imperial Stout. The Bourbon barrels add layers of vanilla, toffee, caramel and oak that increases the complexity to the point of absurdity. Our Batch 100 beer defies categorization, but it is an epic journey in your mouth.

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