Fordham Helles Lager
Dortmunder · 5.1% ABV · ~170 calories
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Beer Description
Our Fordham Lager is a golden Bavarian-style lager, with a firm malty body, a subtle hop character, and a slightly sweet finish. Helles is the German word for light or pale, referring to the color of the beer. This is the everyday drinking beer for Germans in Munich. Fordham Lager is bottom-fermented, making it a lager beer, and has a medium to light-body. It has a clean, malt accented aroma and a malty finish with little hop bitterness. Our Fordham Lager is a very balanced beer, meaning that it is not too sweet and not too bitter. It is brewed mostly with pale malted barley and small amounts of Vienna and Munich malts, which increases the body and maltiness in the beer.

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