2nd Act Moshpit Porter
Baltic Porter · 8.2% ABV · ~280 calories
2nd Act Beer · Dover, NJ
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Beer Description
Bold chocolate, coffee roast and dark fruit brought together in a harmonious way.
Hailing from Baltic region this managerie of malts delivers a blast to your face, not dissimilar from the mid to late 2000s Scandinavian metal masters. Opeth, Soilwork, In Flames and many others helped define a genre of music, just as the batlic porter style was first established in that region many years ago. It’s a heavy hitter with bold chocolate, coffee roast, and dark fruit character. And just like a classic melodic chorus, all of these aspects are brought together in a harmonious way and before you know it, you’ll be singing along with said chorus. The addition if some cane sugar adds potency while still maintaining a pleasant mouthfeel experience. Despite its initial appearance, Batlic Porter is quite approachable and surprisingly catchy. Watch out, you may discover you like metal a little more than you originally thought.

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