Long Valley Brew Pub German Valley Amber
Amber Ale · 4.5% ABV · ~180 calories
Long Valley Brew Pub · Long Valley, NJ
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Beer Description
The German Valley Amber Ale derives its firebrick red color from a combination of crystal and specially roasted malts.
The town of Long Valley was originally called German Valley after the German immigrants that first settled in and cultivated it’s fertile land. Evidence of these first settlers can still be seen in the skillful stone construction of many of the Valley’s buildings and barns, including the Long Valley Pub and Brewery. The original walls and graves of a 16th century Lutheran church can still be found just across the bridge on Fairview Avenue. The German Valley Amber Ale derives its firebrick red color from a combination of crystal and specially roasted malts. This is an assertive beer with a notable bitterness and respectable strength. Willamette hops are used in generous quantities to make this pleasantly hop-flavored ale.

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