Long Valley Brew Pub Bartleyville Rye Ale
Rye IPA · 5.0% ABV · ~220 calories
Long Valley Brew Pub · Long Valley, NJ
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Beer Description
This beer is named for a small town that sat just down the road from the Long Valley Pub and Brewery many years ago and bore the name of one of the area’s founding fathers. Rye beers, or roggerbier, are a style of beer brewed with a portion of the grain bill being rye, usually 10-50%. Rye has a very assertive flavor when mashed and is not usually used as an adjunct here in America. However, it has a large following in parts of Europe.
This beer is traditionally served very cold, unfiltered with a big white creamy head.
Bartleyville Rye Ale was brewed with just 15% of the grain bill being rye, giving this beer an initial sweet grain flavor and finishing with a nice hint of spice and floral hops. The beer starts out sweet on your pallet and finishes nice and dry. This is a unique characterisitic and is a direct result of the rye grain used in the recipe. This unfiltered beer pairs well with most food at a 5% ABV

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