Fox N Hare Early Morning Light
Golden Ale · 4.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Fox N Hare Brewing Co. · Port Jervis, NY
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Beer Description
Formed from the marriage of traditional German malts, German-descended American hops, and finished with an American Ale yeast that is malty, yet clean and dry.
The first rays of light that emerge at dawn are said to bring clarity to the mind. Daybreak’s golden aurora, accompanied by the singing of the birds and the fleeting coolness of the previous night, brings a new day that dawns with boundless potential.
Our Early Morning Light has a pale gold clarity that likens itself to that experience. Grassy and herbal spice mingle with mild, bready aromas heralding the clean, delicate and lightly sweet flavors that loom in the glass. A dry, biscuity and slightly sharp finish beckons the drinker to return.
Formed from the marriage of traditional German malts, German-descended American hops, and finished with an American Ale yeast that is malty, yet clean and dry, Early Morning Light is a great option any time of the day.

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