Graft Siege Over Orion
Sour Cider · 6.9% ABV
Graft Cider · Newburgh, NY
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Beer Description
Tropical Hopped Sour Cider / Juicy DDH fruited cider with Guava, Papaya, Soursop, Milk Sugar, Vic Secret, Ella & Denali Hop.
CHAPTER THREE: From the wormholes pours a stream of techno demons, the whole world of Orion starts to shake, massive lasers emerging from under the planets surface. Nomad and his crew jump into their ships and rocket out of the hostile planets orbit and are greeted by the Galactic Mob Boss’s armada laying in wait for the alien attack. The battle rages for 2 days and many destroyed ships and crew lay broken over Orion. In a last desperate hunch Nomad fires his last torpedo at the techno pyramid that housed the Cryptogram, with its destruction the machine race starts to blink out of reality.

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