Legend Tripel 2010
Tripel · 9.0% ABV · ~280 calories
Legend Brewing Company · Richmond, VA
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Beer Description
Once again the cold of winter is upon us and beer fans will no doubt associate this change of season with strong, warming brews to help take the bite out of the air. The brewers at Legend are blessed with enough foresight, knowledge, and ambition to have once again crafted an excellent version of our annual Belgian Style Tripel Ale. It should be understood that this potent brew is not one that is thrown together once the days have shortened and the holiday spirit surrounds us. Rather, we have to plan well in advance to allow a beer of such stature to mature and mellow. This is why, in the heat of July, when most thirst for anything light and refreshing, we devoted several days of brewing to production of Legend Tripel. Five months of aging brings the soft smoothness of natural carbonation and allows this sweet, complex brew to dry out considerably. The result is a “sipping beer” that doesn’t seem like one. By this we mean to convey that Legend Tripel is deceptive – yes, it’s out to get you! In fact, similar beers such as the popular Duvel (Belgium) are named after the Devil himself. This is with good reason as the light, dry palate of such a brew, combined with quenching qualities such as citrus and spice notes can lead one to get in a little too deep. In other words, this is a beer to be shared with friends and family in celebration and moderation. Fermentation is on a Belgian Abbey style yeast strain which imparts interesting combinations of fruit (apple, pear, orange) and spice, as well as a faint bubble gum quality. These are most evident in the aroma and can be appreciated best when this beer is served slightly warmer (45-50 degrees) and in a tulip shaped “Belgian glass”. The malt bill consists of Pilsner malt as the base for light color, yet a little more depth of grain flavor than our standard Two-Row malt. Flavor and aroma benefit from additions of Bonlander Munich and Aromatic malts. High enzyme Six-Row barley, flaked corn, and corn sugar contribute by providing ample ingredients for an extensive fermentation. This creates a beer with plenty of great flavor up front, while finishing dry and quick. Hallertau and Saaz hops are used for balance to the sweetness and also add to the complex spiciness.

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