Wort Hog Insulator Doppelbock
Doppelbock · 7.0% ABV · ~260 calories
Wort Hog Brewing Company · Warrenton, VA
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Beer Description
A ruby-hued lager with a warming character and just a touch of spicy rye. Notes of toffee and caramel will beg you to take a sip of this substantial beer.
We here at Wort Hog Brewing are welcoming winter back to Old Town with open arms, hearts… and mouths! Introducing Insulator Doppelbock, our winter welcome! Doppel (or double) bock is a stronger version of traditional bock that was first brewed in Munich by the Paulaner Friars. Historically, doppelbock was high in alcohol, malt flavor and was a “sustaining” drink, thus serving as “liquid bread” for the Friars during times of fasting.
Our Insulator Doppelbock is a ruby-hued lager with a warming character and just a touch of spicy rye. Notes of toffee and caramel will beg you to take a sip of this substantial beer. But don’t fret, Insulator Doppelbock is not a sweet beer. It finishes dry and satisfying and gets your palate ready for another sip. The aroma is intensely malty, with some toasty notes, some chocolate-like aromas and a bit of a sweet alcohol presence too.
The monks who originally brewed the doppelbock style named their beer “Salvator” (“Savior”), which today is trademarked by Paulaner. We brewers of modern doppelbocks often add “-ator” to their beer’s name as a signpost of the style and in homage to Salvator and the Monks who brewed it. Nowadays, there are 200+ “-ator” doppelbock names registered with the German patent office. We at Wort Hog Brewing are proud to keep with this longstanding brewing tradition
Insulator is a strong, malty, liquid wool sweater of a brew. At 7%abv, it is sure to keep you warm and toasty during the long winter months.
German: “Was macht diese Jahreszeit außerordentlicher, als sein Glück mit anderen zu teilen. Teile die Freude und sei ein Geschenk. Frohe Weihnachten!”
English: What makes this season special is sharing your happiness with others. Spread the joy and be a gift. Merry Christmas!”

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