Wort Hog Boom Chocolocca
Sweet Stout · 5.5% ABV · ~170 calories
Wort Hog Brewing Company · Warrenton, VA
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Beer Description
It’s Wort Hog Brewing Company’s sessionable sweet stout, BOOM! CHOCOLOCCA!!! It’s a perfectly balanced, subtly sweet and silky milk stout.
With layers upon layers of rich dark malt and roasted malt flavors, BOOM!!! CHOCOLACCA would be a cold weather winner on its own. But we wanted to take this up to 11, if you catch our drift. So, we contacted our friends at Cholaca, who make what is the ULTIMATE chocolate products for use in the brewing industry and we kicked this beer up a notch with their decadent chocolate.
With notes of milk chocolate and rich cocoa the taste is a sweet tooth’s dream come true.

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