Blue Mountain Evan Altmighty
Altbier · 6.6% ABV · ~160 calories
Blue Mountain Brewery · Afton, VA
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Beer Description
A new brew in honor of owners Taylor’s and Mandi’s new son, Evan (and with a winking nod to the Steve Carrell movie filmed around the corner in Crozet). This beer is in the style of a Dusseldorf “sticke altbier” – originating from the North Rhine-Westphalia area of Germany. It is the cousin to Cologne’s Kolschbier, in that they are both termed “obergärige” – top fermented – beers brewed in the alt (“old” or pre-lager beer) style. Alts range from deep gold to dark copper in color and have a firm, hoppy dryness to back up their malty undertones. We’ve created our alt on the deep gold color end of the spectrum, but in the “sticke” (secret) category, that signifies a higher-gravity beer that, in Dusseldorf, is brewed as a reward for local customers and is often not listed on the menu (thus the “secret” part). Evan Altmighty was brewed with Pilsner, Munich, and Caramel Munich malts and hopped with German Hallertau Tradition hops. The same cologne-based strain of ale yeast for fermentation provides light fruit and bready notes and aids in the prolonged cold aging of this ale often treated like a lager after primary fermentation. 30 IBUs, 6.6% ABV.

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