Steadfast Blonde Ale Gluten Free
Blonde Ale · 5.5% ABV · ~160 calories
Steadfast Beer Company · Albany, NY
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Beer Description
Steadfast Golden Blonde Ale: sorghum, honey, sweet orange peel, coriander, hops, yeast. – Fully Gluten Free!
What is Gluten-Free beer?
Gluten is a protein naturally occurring in the barley, wheat, and rye. Truly Gluten-Free beer is brewed without these grains. The vast majority of beer is brewed with barley and/or wheat and therefore contains gluten. The use of rye in regular beer is less common, but exists nonetheless. To make Gluten-Free beer, a brewer must make use of alternate sources of fermentable sugar. Some examples are: sorghum, rice, honey, molasses, quinoa, millet, buckwheat, sugar cane, and maple syrup.
What makes our Gluten-Free beer special?
We appreciate bold and sophisticated flavors, diversity of style, and pushing boundaries. Our challenge is to create a familiar and engaging beer experience from what are potentially unfamiliar ingredients. Our ales are inspired by and pay tribute to classic craft beer archetypes, but are unique Gluten-Free creations that stand on their own.
How do I know Steadfast is Gluten-Free?
Our brewing ingredients are naturally Gluten-Free. They are listed on all of our bottle labels and described in more depth here on our website. We work closely with our production brewery to ensure an optimally clean and cross-contamination-free setting to make Steadfast. Simply put: our ingredients are Gluten-Free, our process is Gluten-Free, and our beer is Gluten-Free.
Steadfast Sorghum Pale Ale: sorghum, molasses, hops, yeast.
Steadfast Golden Blonde Ale: sorghum, honey, sweet orange peel, coriander, hops, yeast.
Steadfast Oatmeal Cream Stout: sorghum, rice syrup, molasses, Certified Gluten-Free oats, tapioca-derived maltodextrin, lactose (milk sugar), hops, yeast. THIS BEER IS NOT DAIRY-FREE.
Steadfast Pumpkin Spice Ale: sorghum, rice syrup, molasses, pumpkin, lactose, tapioca-derived maltodextrin, vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, clove, hops, yeast.
Steadfast 2nd Anniversary Biére de Garde: sorghum, rice syrup, molasses, honey, tapioca-derived maltodextrin, fresh orange zest, star anise, rose hips, grains of paradise, hops, yeast.
Please note: Steadfast is not “Gluten-Removed” beer! Some brewers create barley-based beers and denature the gluten protein therein with an enzyme and attempt to market them as Gluten-Free – NOT US! We brew with only Gluten-Free ingredients to produce beers that are Gluten-Free BY NATURE! Call us PURISTS, but we feel it is the only way to do it RIGHT!

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