Embark Craft Ciderworks - Old Marauder
Cider · 7.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Embark Craft Ciderworks · Williamson, NY
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Beer Description
Dry Cider – Blend of Idared, Jonagold, McIntosh, & Cortland apples fermented dry. Pays homage to Williamson.
Old Marauder combines attributes of McIntosh, Cortland, Ida Red and Jonagold apple varieties to create a hard cider that gives off crisp apple notes with a clean finish. Because it has no residual sugar, it complements a wide range of foods.
The apples selected for this blended hard cider have been widely available in Williamson and the surrounding Wayne County, N.Y., area for decades. Old Marauder represents the agricultural history of the town where Embark Craft Ciderworks is located and where the cider makers were raised. These apples have been part of the town’s collective pride and culture for generations.

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