Embark Craft Ciderworks - Northerner
Cider · 5.1% ABV · ~160 calories
Embark Craft Ciderworks · Williamson, NY
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Beer Description
The Northerner is a refreshing semisweet cider made of 100% Northern Spy apples.
The Northerner is a refreshing semisweet cider made of 100% Northern Spy apples. We derived our inspiration for the label artwork from the following history of the naming of the apple.
One of the most famous of all American apples, Northern Spy originated in East Bloomfield, NY, around 1800. The apple was named for the ‘hero’ of that nororious dime store novel The Northern Spy. The book was written anonymously, published sub-rosa, and circulated among radical hard-core abolitionists circa 1830. The “Northern Spy” set up a series of safehouses from Virginia through Maryland, Pennsylvania and New York State for runaway slaves to excape to Canada. It was a blueprint for the underground railroad.

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