Cherry Street On My Mind
Red IPA · 7.2% ABV
Cherry Street Brewing · Chattanooga, TN
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Beer Description
his Red IPA is brewed with Georgia Grown Wheat Malt and plenty of Citra and Cascade Hops. At 7.2%, we brewed a traditional, or “old school”, IPA and introduced new hopping techniques that used to be contrary to popular practice.
Georgia, Georgia…on my Mind. 16 different Georgia Brewpubs coming together to brew one awesome beer. It was fun discussing the industry, style trends, equipment, and new techniques from the different areas across the state. We are grateful for the relationships we have with them as well as the others who were not able to make it. This Red IPA is brewed with Georgia Grown Wheat Malt and plenty of Citra and Cascade Hops. At 7.2%, we brewed a traditional, or “old school”, IPA and introduced new hopping techniques that used to be contrary to popular practice. We added most the hops at the end of the boil to reduce the overall bitterness, and also added hops during fermentation, twice, to achieve a huge aroma bouquet with a nice juicy finish

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