Mad Fox Leonidas Batch 300
8.0% ABV
Mad Fox Brewing Company · Falls Church, VA
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Beer Description
Leonidas – Batch 300 Ale – This brew was designed to be something special to mark out 300th brew much like its predecessor Batch 100. We took a different approach and took most of the dark malt character out and made this in the spirit of a rich West Coast Double IPA. English pale and crystal malts melded with German Cara-wheat, Carafa and Munich malts form a solid malt backbone. The kettle additions of hops follow with 100% American bred Citra hops to be followed by dry hopping with Citra and another favorite in the Simcoe varietal to lend a piney, citrus hop character to the juicy malt flavor. Enjoy this version now while you can and expect to see the rest of the batch in a barrel aged version in June. Cheers!

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