Equilibrium Above The Clouds

Double IPA · 8.0% ABV · ~290 calories

Equilibrium Brewery · Middletown, NY


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Beer Description

If you walk onto the brew floor any given day, you’ll likely hear the guys playing a lot of late 90’s to early 00’s NY hip hop. Around 2 weeks ago we were brewing this still unnamed beer while “Above The Clouds” by Gang Starr was playing. Considering the recipe and style of what was cooking, we thought it would be a good nod to name it after the song playing and from one of our favorite groups around here. Above the Clouds uses a heavy oat base and a whirlpool blend of Citra and Idaho 7. We then dry hopped it with Citra and the largest dose of Nelson to date and just a touch of lactose to really elevate its already velvety feel. It’s pours an opaque bright straw yellow with flavors of mixed citrus, a touch of sweet pine, gooseberry and faint notes of white wine grapes. The Nelson hops are showcased well and we find the flavors deep and complex while the #EQjuice finish is smooth and velvety thanks to our hopping processes. We want to shout out one of our earliest local supporters, Anthony Q., for supplying the background picture for this label from a recent flight.

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