Center of the Universe Monkey's Uncle
Tripel · 8.0% ABV · ~280 calories
Center of the Universe Brewing Company · Ashland, VA
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Beer Description
Monkey’s Uncle is COTU’s take on a classic beer style from Belgium – the Tripel. Pilsner malt is the primary building block, providing a light crisp body and straw color. Small amounts of German Munich and Vienna malts add further color and sweetness. Belgian Candi Sugar, added during the boil, contributes more fermentables, while at the same time lightening the body further. Lightly hopped, this beer was fermented with a yeast strain originating from one of Belgium’s celebrated breweries.
Fresh lemongrass, grown by our friends just down the street at Village Garden, was added at the end of the boil, resulting in a refreshing treat. We hope you enjoy it.

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