Strangeways Kiss Off! Cherry
Saison · 6.5% ABV · ~160 calories
Strangeways Brewing · Richmond, VA
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Beer Description
Kiss Off! is a sour cherry saison who would care to be loved, so could it be you? Continuing Strangeways Brewing’s foray into sour beers, Kiss Off! is a distinctively mouth puckering libation that utilizes lactobacillus. This sour beer is then aged on sweet cherries for nearly a month to impart a distinctive cherry aroma with a robust cherry flavor. Finally local Virginia wildflower honey is added in secondary fermentation for an additional week of blissful aging. The final product has a sourness that is slightly cloaked by the cherry flavors and is followed by a lingering honey sweetness that cuts pleasantly through the usual dryness of a saison. Kiss Off! will most definitely go down on your permanent record.

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