Artisanal Brew Works Snow Cone
Sour Ale · 6.0% ABV · ~160 calories
Artisanal Brew Works · Saratoga Springs, NY
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Beer Description
Remember eating a snow cone as a kid and drinking the juice that collected at the bottom? Wouldn’t it be awesome if that juice was made into an adult beverage? Good news, using our special sour beer base, and lactose as a sweetener, we brewed a Grape flavored Snow Cone Sour. Nothing says summer like a snow cone, so we just know this beer will be sure to quench your thirst on those hot summer days! *Contains Lactose. | 6% ABV
Snow Cone Sours are the first two beers to be released in our new Ice Cream Truck Series being launched this year! Our Ice Cream Truck Series will feature a variety of beers inspired by offerings from the old neighborhood ice cream truck. These sweet treats will include our Snow Cone Sour, Fudgesicle, Push Pop, and Creamsicle beers. Look for this new series of beers to be released throughout the Spring and Summer of 2021

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