3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek Dornfelder (Season 20|21) Blend No. 26
Lambic - Fruit · 8.3% ABV · ~190 calories
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen · Teirlinckplein Beersel
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Beer Description
bottling date: 10/02/2021
For this Druif/Kriek, we blended a Belgian dornfelder druivenlambik and a kriekenlambik in a 50/50 proportion. We used both young and two-year old lambikken, originating from nine different barrels and nine different brews. The combined maceration took eight months and the final fruit intensity is 510 grams per litre of sour cherries and freshly pressed, skin-macerated grape juice.
NL 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek wordt bekomen door een opeenvolgende maceratie van druiven en krieken op lambik. Natuurlijk fruit, zonder toevoeging van siropen, of suikers. Ongefilterd en ongepasteuriseerd.
FR 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek est le résultat de macérations successives avec des raisins et des griottes sur lambik. Du fruit naturel, sans sirops ou sucres ajoutés. Non-filtré et non pasteurisé.
EN 3 Fonteinen Druif/Kriek is obtained by the successive maceration of grapes and cherries on lambik. Natural fruit, without the addition of syrups, or sugars. Unfiltered and unpasteurized.

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