3 Fonteinen Pruim Mirabelle (season 21|22) Blend No. 21
Lambic - Fruit · 7.3% ABV · ~190 calories
Brouwerij 3 Fonteinen · Teirlinckplein Beersel
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Beer Description
bottling date: 21/01/2022
For this Pruim, we macerated fresh picked-to-ripeness sweet Mirabelle plums.
Maceration took a tad over four months. For both maceration and blending, we used over 90% of old lambics, both two-, three- and four-year old. The weighted average of this blend upon bottling is therefore almost 25 months.
The final fruit intensity is 304 grams of plums per litre of finished Pruim. The largest part of the fourteen brews used comes from smaller barrels and are 3 Fonteinen-brewed. Of those, more than 1/3 were brewed with Pajottenland grown cereals.

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