Equilibrium Magic Bars
Imperial Stout · 11.0% ABV · ~320 calories
Equilibrium Brewery · Middletown, NY
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Beer Description
We are excited to offer you a play on the famed decadent dessert bar, Magic Bars. Our latest Imperial Stout takes our thick base stout and adds peanuts, pecans, cacao nibs, maple syrup, and coconut. A thick pour lends itself to aromas of gooey chocolate peanut butter cake batter, Sunday AM pancakes, and coconut candy. Flavors of chocolate syrup laced with coconut custard, maple syrup soaked peanut M&M’s, creamy peanut butter, earthy pecan pie molasses filling, and a touch of Coco Lopez cream of coconut. Viscous and chewy with a silky finish, our latest imperial stout will have you wondering if we did indeed use magic to liquify this classic dessert.

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