McAllister Carriage House
Helles Lager · 4.5% ABV · ~150 calories
McAllister Brewing Company · North Wales, PA
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Beer Description
McAllister’s Carriage House Helles Lager boasts a symphony of flavors derived from the finest German malts, carefully selected hops, and a distinct yeast strain that adds depth and character. At a refreshing 4.5% ABV, it offers the perfect balance
McAllister’s Carriage House Helles Lager boasts a symphony of flavors derived from the finest German malts, carefully selected hops, and a distinct yeast strain that adds depth and character. At a refreshing 4.5% ABV, it offers the perfect balance between drinkability and taste. Whether you’re a seasoned beer enthusiast or a casual drinker, our McAllister’s Carriage House Helles Lager promises an unforgettable experience that pays homage to centuries of brewing mastery.

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