Twin Lakes Winterthur Spring
Wheat Ale · 5.5% ABV · ~140 calories
Twin Lakes Brewing Company · Newport, DE
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Beer Description
People familiar with Delaware’s Brandywine Valley Scenic Byways will also be familiar with the name Winterthur. Inspired by Winterthur’s rolling fields, we named our wheat beer after this American country estate. The estate is now a museum and nature garden open to the public. In addition to its architectural beauty, Winterthur also features the art of such noted local painters as George “Frolic” Weymouth, who’s painting “Wheat” is on our label.
The sparkling, spicy, and sharp flavor of our Spring Wheat is deliciously balanced by its soft foamy head and downplayed yeastiness. It opens like many Twin Lakes beers with a bright citrus taste and a full dry flavor. This thirst quenching ale is smartly hopped and crisp with hints of clove and coriander spice. The carbonation is fizzy and sharp, leaving a fine Brussels lace down your glass as you drink. We consider Winterthur to be an easy introduction to the Wheat Beer style.

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