Goodfire Georgie

Fruited Sour · 5.6% ABV

Goodfire Brewing Co. · Portland, ME


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Beer Description

Sour Ale w/ Orange, Pomegranate, & Rosemary.

Georgie is a new entry for us into the sour/tart beer realm, and an homage to three beloved grannies in the Goodfire fam.
With Georgie, we wanted to play with the combination of citric fruit and warming, savory qualities in the pursuit of a nice winter drinker.
To that end, we decided to combine Valencia orange and rosemary, rounded out by the rich sweet/tart flavor or pomegranate. Georgie offers a quenching balance of sweet, sour, and savory flavors that we find to be approachable and comforting as we move towards spring!

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