Mendocino Talon Extra Smoked Porter
Smoked Beer · 10.0% ABV · ~180 calories
Mendocino Brewing Company · Ukiah, CA
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Beer Description
Pours a very dark brownish black with on light creeping through, small foamy light tan head reduces quickly, leaving no lace behind. Chocolaty malt with some slightly smoky notes, but not as much as expected for a smoked beer. Plenty of fruity notes with a berry-like sweetness, a hint of bitter coffee at the end.The fruity notes continue into the taste as well; mixed berries with a with dark cherry juice near the finish. The chocolaty malt provides a creamy sweetness, the smoke is barely detectable, not even picking up any charcoal/ashy notes. Some medicinal hoppy flavors on the finish with more of that cherry juice

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