Vanberg & Dewulf Lambrucha
Lambic - Unblended · 3.5% ABV · ~170 calories
Vanberg & Dewulf · Cooperstown, NY
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Beer Description
Lambrucha is a blend of Lambics we select and Kombucha brewed to our specifications.
Everytime Lambrucha is bottled we must taste and select the Lambics we want to use with the Kombucha that has been produced for us. Both the lambic and Kombucha vary each time so blending is the only way to achieve a reasonable consistency.
The Kombucha and Lambic used are living yeast beverages. To our knowledge this is the 1st time 2 living yeast beverages have been combined to create a third, different beverage. For this reason we think Lambrucha is a truly new drink that combines elements of both Kombucha & Lambic.

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