8.0% ABV
Dubbel · 7.0% ABV
Tripel · 8.0% ABV
Belgian Ale · 5.5% ABV
Gustaaf De Ryck is inspired by brewing and devotes his life to found his own brewery in a farm in Herzele across the church.
Unfortuanatly World War 1 shuts down the brewing activities in our family brewery as kettels are taken possession of.
All forces and courage united, the brewery reopens under a new name , the family name of its founder: “Brouwerij De Ryck” and with it a new ambercoloured beer is introduced “Special De Ryck”. This autentic Special Belge-beer is brewed with only 4 ,pure ingredients: (hops, malt, yeast and water) as it is still made today. When Gustaaf dies in 1965, his son Clément and his two daughters continue his life’s work, followed by their two cousins Paul and Gustave De Ryck.