Frankfurt Germany
Low Alcohol · 0.45% ABV
German Hefeweizen · 5.0% ABV
Non-Alcoholic · 0.45% ABV
Non-Alcoholic · 0.5% ABV
5.0% ABV
Pilsner · 4.9% ABV
Low Alcohol · 0.45% ABV
German Kristallweizen · 5.0% ABV
Oktoberfest · 5.0% ABV
5.5% ABV
German Hefeweizen · 2.5% ABV
Altbier · 5.0% ABV
Non-Alcoholic · 0.5% ABV
The Binding-Brauerei AG is a brewery in Frankfurt . The founder, Conrad Binding was a cooper and beer brewer , in 1870 bought a small brewery in the old town of Frankfurt, which he 1881 at the Sachsenhausen hill moved. He built there a new modern brewery, which he 1884 into a public limited company converted. After 1919, the joint-stock brewery Homburg passed into the Binding Brewery, this 1921 merged with Hofbierbrauerei Schöfferhof from Mainz and Frankfurt citizens brewery Schöfferhof-binding Bürgerbräu AG . In 1939, the first barrel of the still was known brand “Romer Pils” pierced. 1 The brewery was in the Second World War destroyed by an air attack to 70 percent. The brewery, since 1953 the Oetker Group. The end of the 1950s-built brewhouse with large glass windows, behind which the five copper brewing kettles are easily visible, is now the most prominent buildings of the brewery. To 1985 was compared with the Brewhouse – on the street – the Binding Malthouse, who was up in the 1970s, produces its own malt. This large brick building dates back to as well as some from the 19th Century. With an add from the 1950s Visible from afar was a large iron ventilation hood (scoop) with the word Binding, which turned with the wind. The brewery is the biggest brewery in Hesse and employs about 56,000 square meters on the company’s premises in Frankfurt about 500 employees.
Known trademark is a stylized eagle, as well as the city of Frankfurt an eagle in the coat of arms bears. In 2001, the domestic and foreign distribution rights of the adjacent were Henninger Brewery taken. The group Binding-Brauerei AG has been operating since 2002 as Radeberger Group , to the big breweries like Radeberg export brewery and the Berliner-Kindl brewery belong. It is equipped with an output of around 13 million hectoliters of the largest brewery group in Germany. Founded in 1995 to mark the 125th anniversary of the brewery Binding Cultural Foundation since 1996, gives the highly doped Binding Culture Award .
In the years 2008 and 2009 was discussed in the media several times over a relocation, especially for Bad Vilbel , where to this day the traditional residence has been maintained.