Spokane, WA
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Blonde Ale · 5.4% ABV
219.0 miles away at 8251 BBQ · See all places
Right now, no nearby places on BeerMenus have these beers
Mexican Lager · 5.2% ABV
5.4% ABV
Amber Ale · 5.0% ABV
American Pale Ale · 5.2% ABV
Oatmeal Stout · 5.6% ABV
6.7% ABV
American Pale Ale · 5.2% ABV
Iron Goat is a partnership between a pair of creative couples: Evans and her husband, Paul Edminster, and Greg and Heather Brandt. The idea was born last spring when Greg Brandt and Edminster, both webmasters by trade and avid homebrewers, met at Jones. They started talking about shared interests – hard cider, motorcycles – and soon found themselves brainstorming a brewery.