Boon Oude Kriek Mariage Parfait 2014
Lambic - Fruit · 8.0% ABV · ~190 calories
Brouwerij Boon · Lembeek, Belgium
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Beer Description
It is unsweetened, unfiltered, unpasteurised and has no artificial flavours, preservatives or colourings added.
Kriek Mariage Parfait is an Old Style Kriek of exceptional excellence. 400 g of wild cherries per litre are fermented together with a strong Lambic of spontaneous fermentation and aged on 6,200 litre oak foudres (large wooden casks) for 5 to 6 months. Kriek Mariage Parfait is naturally clarified and referments in the bottle. Brewed in Lembeek, the village that gave Lambic its name. Pour slowly in a flute glass without disturbing the yeast sediment in the bottle and enjoy this epitome of traditional Lambic brewing.

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