Wheatland Spring Alberto 2023
Italian Pilsner · 5.6% ABV
Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery · Waterford, VA
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Beer Description
Half of the malted grain in this Pilsner comes from a small farm in New York’s Hudson Valley. The other half comes from grain we regeneratively grow at Wheatland Spring next to our brewhouse. Bridging time and distance, this beer unites a first-generation Italian immigrant in New York City a century ago and his grandson in DC today.
Alberto has evolved since we first released it three years ago. For 2023, we decided to bring it back to the start. It’s a hat tip to the style’s originator, Birrificio Italiano, while holding fast to our approach. This batch set out to showcase a full malt body, steadied with balanced bitterness, and accented by a gentle dry hop addition. The result is an approachable, malt-forward Pilsner with a delicate pop of citrus and floral hops. Full-flavored drinkability.
As in previous years, this beer was made with our buddy and Alberto’s grandson, Phil Runco, and two craft malt partners, @murphyrudemalting from Virginia and @hudsonvalleymalt from New York

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