Wheatland Spring Venture
Lager · 5.0% ABV
Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery · Waterford, VA
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Beer Description
Venture heads down the path of blending cultures, offering its own identity. It’s a beer that tastes to us both modern and classic. Anchored without being tethered.
Venture is brewed with grains grown in our Piedmont region and hopped with varieties from west and east of the Bohemian Forest. Growing areas don’t have much use for lines on a map.
The reference for this beer comes from our time walking the small towns of Bavaria and Bohemia. But mostly the countryside in between. Instead of a particular beer or style, the surroundings are what left the impression.
We’d pop into brewery restaurants that’d been in a family for generations. The combination of traditions in this area creates food and drink that is both fresh and familiar.
Venture heads down the path of blending cultures, offering its own identity. It’s a beer that tastes to us both modern and classic. Anchored without being tethered.

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