Wheatland Spring Streamline
Pale Ale · 5.5% ABV
Wheatland Spring Farm + Brewery · Waterford, VA
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Beer Description
Streamline is a modern American Pale Ale. Flourishes of U.S. hops whirling orange peel and fresh pine dance atop a welcoming malt base. This dry-hopped ale employs the highest quality ingredients from the U.S. in the most sincere ways to create simplicity
American Pale Ale, 5.5%
- Made exclusively with Virginia grain and U.S. hops.
- Brewed with renewable energy, as always.
Streamline is a modern American Pale Ale. Flourishes of U.S. hops whirling orange peel and fresh pine dance atop a welcoming malt base. This dry-hopped ale employs the highest quality ingredients from the U.S. in the most sincere ways to create simplicity, without making it simple.

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