Harvey's Le Coq Imperial Extra Double Stout 2005
Imperial Stout · 9.0% ABV · ~320 calories
Harvey's Brewery · Cliffe High St, Lewes
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Beer Description
This beer is dark espresso in color with no head. It pours thick, almost oily on the glass, and reveals no carbonation. It is richly malty in flavor with a juicy, fruity complexity reminiscent of prune, pear, and over-ripe plums. The finish lingers for quite a while due to the mouth coating, huge body of this beer. In the early 1800’s the Belgian A. Le Coq exported Imperial Stout from England to Russia and the Baltic area. After the import traffics increased dramatically in the early 1900’s A. Le Coq was invited by the Tsarist government to brew his legendary Imperial Extra Double Stout within the Russian Empire. The original recipe on each bottle of Imperial Extra Double Stout pay homage to A. Le Coq without whom this classic style would never had reached its legendary place in the world of beers. This corked bottle can be aged for decades.

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