Cliffe High St, Lewes
Barleywine · 8.1% ABV
Ordinary Bitter · 4.0% ABV
Imperial Stout · 9.0% ABV
Barleywine · 7.5% ABV
Foreign Stout · 9.0% ABV
English Brown · 4.8% ABV
Barleywine · 7.5% ABV
Imperial Stout · 10.0% ABV
Imperial Stout · 9.0% ABV
Imperial Stout · 10.0% ABV
Stout · 10.0% ABV
English Strong Ale · 10.3% ABV
English Strong Ale · 7.5% ABV
Stout · 9.0% ABV
Stout · 9.0% ABV
Russian Imperial Stout · 10.0% ABV
Porter · 4.8% ABV
The history of brewing at Harveys dates back over 200 years and the impressive Victorian Gothic tower is a Lewes landmark which has been adapted over the past 150 years to house a modern brewing plant whilst still producing beer made in the traditional way. Harveys is still very much a local brewery – our beers are distributed within around a 50 miles radius and we pursue a policy of ‘local sustainability.