Stone + Avery + Mahr's Groundbreaking Collaborations 11 - Midnight Frühstück der Champions
Smoked Beer · 8.8% ABV · ~180 calories
Stone Brewing Company (Sapporo) · Escondido, CA
+ Avery Brewing Company (Mahou San Miguel) · Boulder, CO
+ Mahr's Bräu · Bamberg, Germany
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Beer Description
Series 11 of 14
There was a LOT of talk about what this beer could be. The only survivor from the shipwreck of ideas between Adam Avery, Greg Koch and Thomas Tyrell had been a mutual like for Bamberd, its smoked beers, and Greg’s friendship with Mahrs Bräu brewmaster Stephan Michel. With that firm affirmation in hand, a WhatsApp invitation was extended. But still, the lingering question remained: What to brew? Fortunately, this global cabal of brewing wunderkinds is nothing if not creative. The theme, appropriate for this group, was Bourbon & Pancakes. Because, obviousle. That, and Adam LOVES midnight breakfasts. Mahrs Bräu contributed Bamburg favorite Rauchbier in bock form. Adam brought the desire to age it in Maple and Bourbon barrels. Stone simply wanted it Imperial. And so was born the American inspired, German variant of a brewer’s ‘Midnight Frühstück der Champions.’

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